Saturday, 14 September 2013

Bring Out Your Dead! (books.....)

Do you have any books you'd be willing to sacrifice for art?

That means your books might be cut up, re-purposed, and used to make furniture, displays, art, or anything anyone can imagine?

We are looking for books to be used physical materials for creation.

Choosing books to be sacrificed can be hard.  In fact, as a librarian I agonize over such decisions.  I hope -- beyond reason -- that a book might have its perfect reader just waiting to pick it up.  Which is why the Design and Technology Department are exasperated with me.  I can't easily consign a book to be cut up -- even though I am the instigator of a project dependent upon dead books.  Yes, students are making me a circulation desk front out of the spines of books.  It will be beautiful when finished.  Yet I am being slow in finding them enough books that can be cut up.  And more recently the Art Dept has told me they are looking for books for students to use as raw material.  I said I would help them get such stuff.

So give us your books!  Especially if you don't mind (in your heart of hearts) that we will be cutting them up.

Click here to see a gallery of images of books being repurposed for art....

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